Friday, March 20, 2015

Will radio advertising survive or is it just “old school” media

With the current trends in digital technology,helping human race to access almost everything on the go with just a mobile how can radio survive the media war?
Mobile and Internet advertising technologies are now catching speed.. with ad serving technologies advertiser can just reach a local target area and display relevant advertisement to the small targeted audience.As we might remember the problem of most of advertisement that don't work is relying on general advertising that is limited to speed,reliability,relevance and almost cost-ful. Most radio advertisement are limited to reach-out.Back in days when we had no cellphones almost every house would turn their radio on.Today average people will choose to listen to their favorite music on their cellphones rather than waiting to hear on the radio or even connecting radio with cell player.This keeps radio audience as narrow as never before.
The future of radio is determined by the degree of localism. What if radio would play advertisement relevant to the target area? I think this can be the remedy for this dying media. Localism one of radio's key strengths is also one of its greatest weapons in the new media landscape. New media has raised the bar on content and information, but localism is radio’s secret “survive and thrive” weapon. New media companies have recognized the importance of localism - even Facebook and Pandora offer local targeted advertising. But radio can do both local advertising - and compelling, local content - better.
The quality of content will be a big decider of radio's future. It has to be innovative and it has to be different. (And, if it’s not local, it has to at least be “locally relevant”). Information can be sourced on plenty of mobile devices but personality content that is unique and compelling will keep listeners coming back to radio
Radio’s digital future - whilst its been a “slow birth” - will help the medium. Radio, like all other media, is looking to maximise the digital opportunity. Radio is the perfect companion for social media and mobile media, giving radio greater scale, and the ability to put together cross platform solutions. Innovation will always drive the future of radio. Technology will lead the way by growing radio’s audience and will open up new sources of revenue. Radio, unlike newspapers and magazines, has been quick to adapt to the digital environment and will continue to explore new innovations and revenue opportunities.
So what do you think?
