The art of making love
Any art form can be acquired
in two ways, either you’re born with it or you learn it. There are people who
are born with greatness so immense it inspires, and there are people who learn
it to become so good as well. One thing is clear though, that if you do not like it, you will not be good
at it.
Thus is the same with making
love and that is why we will look at it as an art, although that will make it
seem like a common sort of art. It seems there are people so good at it, you
would think it is a talent they were born with, and maybe they were, maybe not.
Now, one might wonder why
they should even bother, but mind you, a healthy sexual life is a pillar to any
successful marriage.
Let us look at the following
points and see how we can perfect our bedroom experiences behind closed doors:
- Love it. This might seem like a simple tip but in reality it is the main tip. If you love to make love, you will want to enjoy it, you will want your partner to enjoy it as well, and then you will put an effort to make it enjoyable and worthwhile. Many a times you find someone making love as if it is the last thing they’d rather be doing (and this is a sad case especially for women), without any motivation or passion, just plain old boring. It is commonly said “if something is worth doing, then it is worth doing well.” Look at lovemaking as a gift that it is: a creation of God, given to man for enjoyment and procreation, to bind a couple together in a way nothing else can.
- Develop a positive mindset about lovemaking. We have been taught a lot about sex and lovemaking from our backgrounds. Some were even told that it is a dirty topic and should not even be brought up in public; so young girls would talk about it in low voices whenever they were alone, and those hushed up conversations are what most girls have grown up to understand and believe about sex. On the other hand, some were taught too much about it at a very young age by older women, and they misused that information and got into various forms of trouble. However, it should be understood that lovemaking and sex is not a bad thing; and if it were as “dirty” as it is claimed, then the whole form of human nature is a dirty one, or don’t we all come from that one act?
- Learn to focus. All wonderful art creations were created when the artists were in their “focus mode”. You can’t be thinking of anything and everything during the act and expect to make it great. In those few minutes/hours be there and participate fully.
- Be spontaneous. Creativity calls for spontaneity. Do something different because routine can be tiresome and boring. Change positions, change locations, change the settings etc. change is very welcome and will almost always be appreciated in love making. The important thing is to make sure nobody gets hurt, everyone is comfortable, and the laws of the land are adhered to.
- Be ready to learn. Nobody was born knowing everything. We learn everything from walking to talking to dancing. Why should it be any different with love making? There are countless books out there to help couples, as there are many “knowledgeable” people who are willing to teach.