Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Things women do that turn men off in bed

Sex is a great thing for relationships especially marriages. It is essential to make marriages work. A great sex life is a product of both partner’s efforts. No one partner can make sex fantastic in as relationship by him/herself.

But generally there are things that make sex in a relationship a little less than it should be especially if one partner’s acts make another feel like they really do not want to have sex anymore.
So from men’s points of view, these are some of the things they wish their women never did, to ensure that the sex life remains at least satisfactory.
  •  Lying there like a corpse. It is frustrating for a guy to have sex with someone who is not participative and/or at least responsive during the sex act. A girl who can just lie there like a cabbage during the whole act waiting for her man to “finish” makes the man feel like he is not good or interesting at all. This behavior makes him feel less efficient/ effective.
  •   Doing something “else” during the act. Reading a magazine during sex?! What could be worse than that? This shows that the whole sex thing is a bore and a waste of time, and you would rather be doing something else! Things like texting, reading, answering phone calls, planning a to-do list for the morrow should wait.
  •  Asking for things/favors during the act. Some men do not get intimate with their partners anymore because they are scared. The thing is every time they get intimate they have to give up something. A man is quite vulnerable during sex and when a woman uses this chance to ask for money, a car or a new house it is plain old manipulation. Even asking him to stop spending a lot of time with those friends of his that you do not like, or to quit smoking DURING sex is not a very pleasant thing to do.
  • Dictating his EVERY move. Most men try to impress and please at the same time during the sex act. So unless what he is doing is hurting or bothering you, try to stop telling him what you want him to do to you every passing second, you are demoralizing his sexual prowess.
  • Laughing/mocking his sexuality. Most men take great pride in their sexual organs. For some of them, these organs are the most cherished members of their bodies. So naturally, laughing/mocking this cherished member is the greatest turn off for most men. It makes them feel VERY insecure about themselves.
Being non-hygienic, using curse words profusely, talking about the ex, etc are some other things that can also be added to the above list.
