The primate pictured here looks uncannily similar to television personality Larry King. King hosted his own self-titled show on CNN from 1985 thru 2010.
The feline in this photo bears an eerie resemblance to CNN news anchor and talk show host Anderson Cooper. Cooper's own ears may be dwarfed by the satellites protruding from this odd creature, but the expression is dead-on.
The chimp shown here closely resembles former U.S. president George W. Bush. Some might wish that the ape had held the office in his place.
These side-by-side images show that actor Christopher Lloyd (
Back to the F*ture,
Piranha) shares features with the similarly-comedic aye-aye, which is a nocturnal lemur native to Madagascar.
The owl pictured here could be British comedy character Mr. Bean's twin, or at least his long lost cousin. The wide-eyed Mr. Bean is portrayed by actor Rowan Atkinson, who created the character in the 1980s.